The United States annually consumes approximately three billion pizzas, but where do all the pizza boxes go? This is a question that frequently arises if you’re interested in sustainability. What do you do with all the pizza boxes left over from pizza parties, movie nights, and occasional pizza consumption?
Fortunately, we have some answers, or at least some direction, regarding what you can do with pizza boxes.
Are pizza boxes recyclable?
So, are pizza boxes recyclable? It depends on a number of variables.
Pizza boxes are typically made of corrugated cardboard, the same material used to ship your packages. When in pristine condition, this item is simple to recycle; simply toss it in. The issue is that pizza, despite its cheesy deliciousness, rarely leaves the box in perfect condition.

If the box is greasy, cheesy, and covered in food particles, it should not be recycled. Worse still, the grease can get on the other recyclables in the bin and make them all useless.
However, there may be recyclable, clean parts, such as the box’s lid. While the bottom of the box absorbs the majority of the grease, the top may remain clean. In this
In this case, you can simply rip off the clean portion of the box and recycle it while discarding the remainder.
Are pizza boxes compostable?
Once again, the answer to the question of whether pizza boxes can be composted is “it depends.” On a commercial composting level, you should always check local rules and regulations to determine what you can toss in the bin. However, for your own personal composting pile, it’s up to you what you put in the bin.
Many home composters shred the clean portions of a pizza box and toss them into their bin, leaving behind the greasy food mess. Oils prevent the box from decomposing properly and can throw off the balance of your compost pile, so it’s important to keep it clean.
Putting an end to this myth.
Before placing items in your blue bin, you should always check your local recycling information, and the items you place there should always be clean and dry.
Therefore, while it may be acceptable to recycle the clean portions of your pizza box, anything soiled with food should be discarded. Obviously, when in doubt, discard it.
For our part in the sustainability process, we have worked to ensure our products not only follow EPA sustainability guidelines but EXCEED them. Our products contain recycled content, are source-reduced, and are compostable. All with the goal of creating truly recyclable products that have the least impact possible on our Earth. W Packaging thinks that our success has come from our commitment to being the best.