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FIVE Environmental Advantages of Corrugated Packaging

By July 1, 2022July 21st, 2022No Comments

Businesses are required more than ever to be responsible for their environmental impact on this earth and their community. Companies like W Packaging are offering responsible packaging choices. Brands are becoming more vocal when considering packaging choices; making it clear that environmental effects matter and they want to reduce their carbon footprint.

Sustainable packaging like products produced at W Packaging are in high demand by brands that are aware of the benefits of using more sustainable packaging, such as paper-based corrugated. The purchasing process has an ethical component and is integral to any buyer or seller. W Packaging’s clientele stand by the products they purchase by endorsing them in every capacity and feel good about backing an organization that is  making a reasonable effort to be environmentally friendly.

W Packaging wants to give you some things to ponder if  you’re thinking about using corrugated packaging. Some advice on how corrugated packaging might help your business support responsible sourcing while also considering the environment.

1. Corrugated packaging is recyclable and contains recycled content.

Newspapers, cartons and the like are produced and discarded in masses. Corrugated boxes are made from mostly recycled paper. All those discarded items mentioned can be recycled again and province and ecological advantage. Furthermore, corrugated packaging is made mostly without chemicals such as  dyes or bleaches. Another benefit for allowing it to be more sustainable disposed of than other materials containing such chemicals and contaminants.

2. Corrugated packaging is renewable.

As mentioned previously, corrugated packaging is mostly recycled material, usually between 70% to 100%. Originally manufactured from paper pulp, corrugated packaging is predominately made from the timber of pine trees but can also be created from wood chips and leftover materials from a range of paper-making processes. 

Suppliers that make large amounts of corrugated packaging usually harvest materials from managed, sustainable forests—and replace harvested trees with seedlings to begin the process again.

 3. Corrugated packaging is reusable.

Back to the original points, corrugated packaging is recyclable and renewable, but let’s not forget it can also be reused AS IS. Further helping to reduce packaging costs and the environmental impacts caused by not being reusable. Several corrugated packaging designs are easily collapsible, and fully reusable. 

So if a box is durable, even better. Since most  boxes are not easily or instantly disposed of, why not repurpose them? Corrugated packaging like many of the items produced by W Packaging are known to be solid and sturdy solutions. Additionally they be custom designed to carry a range of weights, sizes and shapes.  

Remember, when they stop being used for the original purpose they can become boxes that store documents or holiday decs or an array of other uses. There will always be plenty of case uses and when they have reached the end of the line then consumers can simply recycle them.

4. Corrugated packaging saves energy.

Anything with such a high percentage of recycled materials equates in less energy to produce. Yet,another benefit of corrugated packaging. Most manufactures such as W Packaging make their packaging from locally sourced recycled materials which minimized the environmental effects.   

5. Corrugated boxes can help cut material waste.

Material waste can add to any businesses carbon footprint. In today’s climate, companies like W Packaging are custom creating right-sized boxes for their customers’ products to help cut down on the amount of material waste. Hence, reducing your business’s carbon emissions when it comes to shipping and transport. Neatly stacked products require less space and help reduce carbon footprints. 

Packaging solutions come to Minneapolis: As part of the region’s largest advanced design and manufacturing event, MinnPack 2018—and the five related shows taking place alongside it—brings 500+ suppliers, 5,000+ peers and 60+ hours of education together under one roof. Register for free today. TRade show info.